IggyLoans.com Contact Info

This page lists contact info for IggyLoans.com including mailing address, business name, phone and fax numbers.

Iggy Loans seems to be an offshore entity based in Costa Rica.

Business Names:
Iggy Group, LLC. DBA Iggy Loans

Additional Business Names / Possibly Related Entities:
Iggy Group, LLC.
Iggy Group de Costa Rica Limitada
Iggy Loans / IggyLoans.com
Mr. Lender / MrLender.co.uk
Rare Moon Media / RareMoonMedia.com
Red Leaf Loans / RedLeafLoans.ca

Warnings / Disclaimers



Iggy Group, LLC.
Apartado Postal 1303-1200
San Jose, Costa Rica

Additional Address:
Iggy Group de Costa Rica Limitada
Edificio Conhotel, Oficina #8
De Rest. El Chicote, 100 N, 25 E, 300 N y 25 E
Sabana Norte, San Jose
Costa Rica

On January 4, 2013, a kind reader sent us the name and phone number of this entity. A fellow reader helped us find the address, fax number and additional business name. Thank you all so much! Our site would not exist without you.

On July 30, 2013, we received the following allegations against Iggy Loans / Rare Moon Media: “Charged and threatened with fees for a money loan that I never received. There was absolutely no assistance in trying to resolve their mistake after 1 week of phone calls with representatives and speaking with 1 manager. I asked for escalation each call but was never allowed to speak with a manager until threats of police action.”

Contact Info: 1-9, A-B | C-E | F-I | J-N | O-Se | Sf-Z | Add / Request | File a Complaint

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