Contact Info

This page lists contact info for including mailing address, phone number and additional business name. We seek their fax number.

Their website mentions that “Northcash is a tribal lending entity wholly owned by the Ft. Belknap Reservation located in Montana…” so North Cash is a tribal lending entity.

Business Names:
North Star Finance, LLC. DBA
North Cash Finance, LLC. DBA North Cash

Additional Business Names / Possibly Related Entities:
North Cash /
North Star Finance, LLC.

Warnings / Disclaimers


1-905-829-1246 (Confirmed January 29, 2013)

North Star Finance, LLC.
Post Office Box 498,
Hays, Montana 59527

On December 19, 2012, a kind reader sent us the name, address and phone number of this entity. We seek their fax number.

On January 29, 2013, a kind reader sent us the following contact info and allegations against this entity: “Their fax number is 905-829-1246. They’ve ripped me off and I’m happy to provide as much information about them as possible.” Editor’s Note: Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver! We’ve been seeking their fax number for some time. Many people will be helped by your information.

Contact Info: 1-9, A-B | C-E | F-I | J-N | O-Se | Sf-Z | Add / Request | File a Complaint

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