Greenwood Holding Group LLC Contact Info

This page lists full contact info for Greenwood Holding Group LLC including mailing address, phone and fax numbers. According to info received from readers, Greenwood Holding Group is likely related to Gateway Holdings Group LLC, CWB Services LLC and Vandelier Group LLC.

If you have any info about or experience with this entity, please let us know using our Anonymous Request Form.

Business Name:
Greenwood Holding Group, LLC.

Additional Business Names / Possibly Related Businesses:
CWB Services LLC
Gateway Holdings Group LLC
Midland Companies
Vandelier Group LLC

Warnings / Disclaimers

1-855-582-9829 (Melinda Cook – Greenwood Holding) (Confirmed July 29, 2013)
1-713-242-1810 (Stacy, Preston – Greenwood Holding) (Confirmed July 29, 2013)
1-855-871-9317 (Greenwood Holding)
1-855-552-4020 (AFFG)

1-888-839-2021 (Greenwood Holding)

Greenwood Holding Group, LLC.
4 Soloman’s Arcade
Charleston, Nevis, West Indies

This address, supplied by a kind reader, is also the address listed for Gateway Holdings Group, LLC. According to received info:

“We have two addresses for Greenwood Holding Group LLC. Apparently, they are also part of a group called Vandelier Group LLC which is affiliated with CWB Services LLC PO Box 411056 Kansas City Mo. 64141. Greenwood has an address in the West Indies at 4 Soloman’s Arcade, Charleston, Nevis, West Indies and their US Address is PO Box 4668 Number 14118, New York, NY 10163-4668″

Thank you so much for your kind help! You’ve helped countless people!

Another kind reader alleges: “Got a call at work from “unknown” (number blocked) – woman said she was “Sarah Mitchell” and she was notifying me of impending process service due to a “bad check.” I asked her who she was calling on behalf of, and she said I should call my “plaintiff” at 855-552-4020. I did so, and they answered “AFFG” lady said she was Tori Bennett and that I owed $250.00 to “Greenwood Holding.” I have payday loans outstanding but didn’t recognize the name, but agreed to a payment plan (3 installments.) She then transferred me to the “verification” dept., where I spoke with “Diana.” I have since read in the “Fair Debt Collection” act that it is ILLEGAL for them to threaten arrest or whatever because a payday loan is a CIVIL matter!!”

Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed account of your experiences with this entity!

Additional Address:
Greenwood Holding Group LLC
PO Box 4668 Number 14118,
New York, New York 10163-4668

Diana (AFFG Verification Department)
Melinda Cook (Greenwood Holding)
Preston (Greenwood Holding)
Sarah Mitchell (AFFG? Related Collection Agency?)
Stacy (Greenwood Holding)
Tori Bennett (AFFG)

On March 1, 2013, a kind reader sent us the following allegations against Greenwood: “I am trying to reach a loan department that I had previously contacted but no luck. Please help. I got the info off my bank account but the number does not work at the moment. My phone number is [phone number redacted]. No luck trying to reach Greenwood to figure out what company I got my loan from.” Editor’s Note: We are not related to Greenwood in any way so we cannot help you contact them. Any and all info we have about them is posted here. The anonymous request form is for sending us info about unknown entities like Greenwood. Please don’t send us your phone number or any other personal info. Thank you.

On June 9, 2013, a kind reader sent us more allegations about Greenwood Holding Group, LLC: “I was successfully able to deal with these fraudulent people with the help of my bank. For starters, your own specific loan processor’s contact info is on your bank statement. It’ll say Greenwood, or Hydra,or any other name, but next to that the series of numbers is actually THEIR PHONE NUMBER! Who knew (I was mind blown). When you call them, they will tell you that you must request from a separate department permission to pay outside of your pay schedule. They will take your request and call you back. If you fail to answer when they call back 4 days later, you have to start the process all over again. I called them WITH my bank on the same line, and they tried to run us through that process but my bank said “WRONG ANSWER”, take our payment now. They refused so my bank processed them as a fraudulent business. Don’t let these people ruin and overpower you.” Editor’s Note: Thank you! Your info helps people.

On July 29, 2013, we received the following allegations against Greenwood Holding: “1-855-582-9829. Melinda Cook. 1-713-242-1810. Stacy. Preston. Threat to file legal actions against me. Calling harassing me at work. Saying that I had to pay 930 dollars and offering a payment plan so they don’t file legal actions against me. Dropping the amount down to $730 with 6 payments every two weeks.” On July 30, 2013, we received more allegations: “These same two numbers keep calling me at work. Harassing me, telling me they are going to serve me with some paperwork to go to court.”

On August 12, 2013, we received these allegations against Greenwood: “Some lady named Janice Maze (Mays?) called my work threatening to serve me, but I did not talk to her, my boss did. I had my lawyer contact them as this isn’t the first I have dealt with people like this. They hung up on her. I had my identity stolen and have had nothing but issues with these places for 2 years. [Greenwood] continually calls even after being told to stop.”

Contact Info: 1-9, A-B | C-E | F-I | J-N | O-Se | Sf-Z | Add / Request | File a Complaint

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